Thursday, September 11, 2008


For years now my mom has bought and put packs of corn away during the summer months. Not just for Dad and herself but for her grown children as well. We all have savored the sweet taste of summer corn during the winter months because Mama was so thoughtful to bring or send a cooler full of corn home with us.

I've heard her say several times, " It's just something I can do for you kids, I don't mind, I'm just glad I'm able to do it."

This year my children and I got to get in on the action, and we really enjoyed ourselves!

We helped my dad shuck, and helped mama wash, cut & scrape, cook and pack the corn into containers for the deep freeze.

We learned a lot and are so glad we got a chance to help out.

So here is what we did.

First we shucked it.

During the shucking process we discovered that some of the ears had grown an extra ear inside!

A close up of the double ear.

My little girl washing the corn with a vegetable brush.

She did a great job!

Making memories with Mamaw

Washing while Mamaw cuts & scrapes.

My niece arrived, and wanted to get in on the fun.

Mama's cutting technique.

She makes sure not to cut too deep on her first pass over the corn.

Once the first layer of corn is cut she scrapes the rest off.

She is amazingly fast at this.

We heated the corn through making sure to stir it often so that it didn't scorch.
When corn changes appearance and texture thickens, it is time to remove it from the stove and let it cool.

Once cooled you can fill freezer storage containers, and add them to your freezer.

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