Thursday, September 18, 2008

Green Bean Grabbers

When I was a girl the mere mention of green bean picking seemed to break me out in an itchy red rash. (THAT'S THE WAY I HAVE ALWAYS REMEMBERED IT ANYWAY! :) It was not a task that I enjoyed to say the least. So when my Uncle Jimmy so generously invited us out to his place to pick, and I was eager to go, I think it was a little surprising to my mom. We were discussing when would be a good time to go pick when my little girl overheard us,and eagerly piped in" I WANT TO GO!" So with another picking buddy we set the time for early the next morning.

We arrived at Uncle Jimmy's place bright and early. Aunt Oneida greeted us with a fresh cup of hot coffee, and a snack for my daughter. We enjoyed a nice chat before we headed over to their lovely garden to help ourselves to the beautiful homegrown pole beans my mom's brother had raised.

It was EASY picking. With one grab you could pick several at a time. My little girl was delighted, and kept at it not once complaining. She is a great little worker and is so enthusiastic about the jobs she takes on. What a blessing this is!

I also truly enjoyed myself. I found myself not wanting to quit. I picked my way out of the garden when it was time to leave. I found it quite addicting. I did however discover that I am allergic to bean plants. My arms began to itch and breakout into red patches by the time we got into the car. IT WAS TRUE! I WAS ALLERGIC TO THE BEAN PATCH!!!! I guess I'll wear long sleeves next time I pick.

We washed and broke the beans after we got home, and added them to mama's freezer. My younger son pitched in with this part. My daughter wanted to prepare hers for the freezer all by herself. She did it! We have already cooked some and all agreed that they were the BEST green beans we have ever tasted!

Once again I would like to thank Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Oneida for inviting us out to pick and make new memories together!

Here are a few pictures I snapped of my little green bean grabber. Enjoy!

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